You know that song Fabulous from HSM 2? When Sharpay sings, "It's out with the old, in with the new". That's how I feel about my October to November transition. October was great and all but I have a feeling amazing things are coming in November. Like maybe making an imaginary relationship real. Although I never get enough sleep and sometimes sweeping at work sucks; life is going really well. I've made a lot of friends at work which is surprising considering I'm socially awkward and bad at talking to people. There were so many things I loved about October but I'm definitely ready to take on November. Also that selfie has nothing to do with this entire post, I just like how pretty I am.

October Favorites
I just discovered this new store called Heavenly Couture and everything there is sixteen dollars and under, can you say Ballin' On A Budget? We all know that I have a shopping problem so obviously this is one of my top October favorites. I've spent way to much money on clothes honestly but I look super cute all the time so it's pretty "worf it" as Big Sean would say.
Thrifty's ice cream!! Rainbow Sherbet ice cream is my absolute favorite ice cream of all time. I used to work in an ice cream shop and I definitely ate way too much of it. Most of the time before I go to work I walk over and get some. Maybe it's weird but I like ice cream better when it's cold outside. My favorite part about October and Thrifty's ice cream was walking along state street and listening to the pianos that are put up and down the blocks. I love music and listening the pretty tunes while walking down the street is so peaceful.
My of course most favorite part of October is the mystery boy I kind of sort of like and right now it's just an imaginary relationship in my head. He probably thinks I talk too much or smile too often but I think he's funny and I tolerate him which is unusual for me. I still haven't completely figured him out so for now he'll remain my mystery boy. My mystery boy who makes me smile and laugh even when I'm grumpy and really just want to sleep. And everyone in my family is probably going to call me the moment they read this and say, "I had to find this out by reading your blog?" in really annoyed voices.

Your so gorgeous ash! I love you :)