I feel like I should apologize for my lack of posting but life happens. School and work got really stressful all at once and last week was sort of hell but I’m back and I made it out alive.
There's been a lot of talk about death lately and especially with that lady who was doing assisted suicide or whatever and it made me think about what I would do if I knew that it was my last day alive. So here's what I would do:
I'd wake up and hug my cats for a little bit then I would get ready for the day. My Grandma Jaccie would pick up my mom and I and we would go to Santa Clarita for a family day. Everyone would be there too. We'd get there at the same time as Jailene and I would hug Dj really tightly. I would probably say something rude to my brother in law and then go inside my Grandma Kim and Grandpa Monty's house. My Auntie April, Josh, Kaitlyn, Travis and Austin would be there and we'd play in the pool together. Kaitlyn, Travis and I would probably run across the street to Kathryn's and wake up Brent and Sage from one of their naps and then we'd steal Kathryn's food and go in the pool then run back across the street to my Grandmas house. And eventually Kathryn and Steve and Brent and Sage would come over too.

Grandma Kim would keep her promise and make tater tots with dinner and Josh would make jalapeƱo poppers and we'd eat tamales like it was Christmas and none of this food makes sense together but that's exactly what we would do. Kaitlyn and I would eat too many chips and probably get in trouble with Grandma Jaccie for spoiling our dinner. Then I'd tell her that I'm an adult and I can do whatever I want but she would give me that look and I'd stop anyway.
My Uncle Chris would actually show up and he'd have Madison and only Madison with him. Then for the most random reason in the world Kaitlyn and I would run outside like we did a couple years ago and we'd wait for Uncle James to drive up and we'd cry and hug him and complain he's too skinny. Lastly my papa will come with Mary, Gary and Paige and we'd all go inside and we'd just sit and talk and laugh. Everyone would talk about how pretty I am and they'd envy everything about me as usual. Jailene, my brother, Kaitlyn, Gary and I would all huddle together and make fun of everyone and laugh until we cry. Then I'd go cuddle on the couch and make fun of some more people with Josh because that's just what we do.
This is my perfect day, and this is how I would spend the last day of my life if I could. The only problem with this perfect day is that I would never want it to end. The most disappointing part would be leaving and driving home. I miss my family a lot so just thinking about this makes me sad because it'll be a long time until it really happens.
Also I'm just throwing this out but if Kanye West wants to stop by too I'll be totally fine with that. This is probably completely random and no one probably knows who any of these people are but you'll catch on someday. You can read my last blog post here and until next time!
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