I took my first Psychology test today, and I for sure got at least a D on it. I definitely didn't fail but I know that I didn't do as well as I could have. The test was based on chapters one, two, and three but I feel like it weighed heavily on chapter three. That just so happen to be the chapter I didn't understand, brain anatomy and functions just isn't my forté. I'm hoping that with more studying and work with the tutor I can improve in this class because doing well is really important to me. There are quite a few of extra credit opportunities available and one of them happens to be this Thursday in the CLRC. It's a note taking strategies workshop. Although I think I'm good at taking notes already, I think there is always room for improvement. I think it would be a great workshop to stop by so if anyone is on campus Thursday at 1 p.m. you should stop by.

Now that I'm in week 4 I've started to get into a homework/sleep routine. I try to go to sleep as close to 7pm as possible. But sometimes work takes a long time to finish and I don't get home until 8 or 9 so homework has to come before sleep. No matter what time I go to sleep I wake up exhausted because I'm always so uncomfortable. I'm just waiting to get so exhausted that I'll be in a dead sleep and actually get a full nights rest.
Balancing work and school is definitely a challenge
and it's sometimes harder than it needs to be especially with tests and projects. If you like a challenge then I would definitely go for it, but I would recommend a part time job that doesn't interfere with school. My job doesn't necessarily interfere but I do have at least 40 hours of work a week that I have to keep up with too. Work and school is a topic I've kept consistent in my blogs so I hope that my experiences with it can help you guys out too.

Now onto the serious business, it's almost time for baseball. I am so excited to have the privilege of delivering a baseball season baby. I can't wait to take her to Dodger games and show her baseball butts from the beginning of her time. I think it could be something we bond over together and I hope it's that thing that will always keep us close. Fun Fact: If I were to have had a boy he would have been named after Zack Greinke and Adrian Gonzalez. Although it is a girl, I still refer to her as baby Greinke because I think Zack and Adrian can play a duel role as her father.
Now that you know how weirdly into baseball players I am, I'm just going to stop here and if you want to read my latest blog post you can do so here and until next time!
P.S. I know you're all dying to see one of my famous cat pictures but special circumstances have led to this weeks end photo being my nephew Dj whom I know most of you are familiar with. So here's the cute face of my pride and joy for the world to enjoy.
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