Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring Break

I have some social skills
Most college students look forward to Spring Break. There are parties, lots of beach time, and no homework. If I were a normal college student I would probably laying on the beach right now basking in the sun. BUT I am not a normal college student, rather than relaxing all spring break I'll spending most of my time indoors and at work.

Random Spring Break
progress shot
One of the major pluses about going to school in Santa Barbara (or living there in general) is that the beach is so close that there's always time to take a quick dip in between work shifts and all that fun adult stuff. I have yet to brave the cold waters for a swim but am looking forward to it when I get time off. 

Another thing I was stoked on this spring break is that my old high school has the same week off as I do so I've gotten to see some of them and catch up. A bunch of my friends that I graduated with and ones that are still in high school came to my house and we had a good old fashion hang out. Movies and pizza and lots of jokes and catching up happened, it was a great time. 

Letting Otto take the spotlight
I feel very empty not going to class or stressing about homework and I just hope I don't get too comfortable and used to being lazy by the time next Monday comes. I hope everyone is having a wonderful break and having lots of fun and being safe. You can read my latest blog post here and until next time!



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