Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sick Daysss

Family time before I got sick
I've officially gotten my first cold of the semester, it was unexpected and not welcome. I want to skip work and sleep for a few days but I can't bring myself to do it. Being sick in college is far worse than being sick in high school. Missing one class is like missing three weeks. The things you missed will follow you throughout the semester and haunt you. I just want to lay in bed and cuddle with my cats right now but homework is in the way. I want a new technology that lets you do homework while you sleep because then I'd always get everything done on time and I won't be so grumpy all the time.
I hug my sister like I hug my cats

Even though being sick is sucky I still love being at school because I like watching the sunset over the ocean while doing inequalities. It's probably one of the coolest school experiences I've had so far. Anyone who isn't going to school at SBCC or some other cool beach school is honestly missing out on the view and the experience.

I've managed to stay on top of my homework and my bed has become my new office. Listening to lectures in your pajamas while chilling with your cats is probably the coolest part of online classes. I think next semester I'm going to stick to one or two online classes and spend more time on campus again. They're both fun so far so I think an even split between the two would be good.

I don't have much to say since I've been mostly working, sleeping, and doing homework. You can read my last blog post here and until next time!



Friday, January 23, 2015

Coming Back Strong

Best friends since Kindergarten,
now taking on college together
I wish I could describe to all of you how much I love and enjoy college. Coming back for my first day felt like I never left. I'm so comfortable here and it's crazy how 5 months ago my life was COMPLETELY different. I'm not so much a shy fry and I kind of have an idea of what I'm doing with my life.

Being back in class was great too, I was with my favorite math teacher (I had her last semester too). Dr. Monika Laskowski is funny and down to earth and she makes math fun somehow and she just knows how to make math easy. Although I can be great at math even a whiz like me gets confused every once in a while. Last semester my math class was chill, we all became really good friends quickly and formed a bond that was beyond anything I was expecting. I miss sitting with all my friends talking about nonsense and math with Monika. This semester my math class is filled with completely different kids. They're nice but they're all engineering and science majors like myself. It's just so crazy how one math class up is completely different.

Back on the homework grind in
in the library
This semester I didn't cower awkwardly in my seat and stare at everyone like they were big mean adults who were going to eat me. Instead I actually had conversations with them and let myself be out there. When literally anyone can go online and suddenly know everything about you it's a lot easier to be cool and confident in real life. You never know who's read your blog and just happens to know that you have a weird cat obsession. 

My legs were definitely sore from all the walking, and these hills are killing me buttttt the view is totally worth it. How many other people can watch the sunset over the ocean while learning math equations? I am definitely very lucky to be at SBCC and I'm grateful for all the opportunities I've been given. 

I just like holding him
like a baby
The homework is already killing me, but it's probably killing all of us right? You can read my first blog post of the semester here and until next time!



Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Here It Is....Again

Such a familiar picture
If any of you watch Pretty Little Liars then you know what I mean by I'm back b*tches! But if you don't watch then you probably think I'm extremely rude. It's PLL day, so it was necessary to include a Pretty Little Liars reference. If you're new then my name is Ashley and I'm a computer science major who is having a really hard time growing up and staying focused. 

I'm very excited to be back blogging for my friends at SBCC and hopefully through all of my struggles I can help you out, or relate to you, or inspire you or just make you laugh.

My winter break was blissful and busy, although I did find time to go to Disneyland, Christmas parties, to spend time with my nephew, and many other fun things. I've started a new sock collection and I feel super cool. 

Pre work out with my
cool visor
I could have worked out more over the holiday but I managed to keep the extra weight off, you would all be happy to know that I, since starting college, have officially dropped three pant sizes. It was really exciting and scary buying new pants at a smaller size. I enjoy the new me even more than I enjoyed the old me and I will definitely make a post about my workout routine and all that good stuff. 

Random Christmas photo
This semester I'm trying out online classes, I still go to school twice a week but I'm just testing out how well I do with them. I really do like going school but right now my life is so crazy that I don't have enough time to be there all day twice a week like I was last semester. This will just make is easier to do my work wherever I am. I'll keep you updated on the pros and cons of online class and actual class time. Hopefully my experiences can help you decide on which route you'd rather take. 

Again, I am so excited to be back and blogging. My blogs won't fall off the deep end like they did last semester and I'll swear I'll be as witty and cute as I've always been. You can catch up on last semester here and until next time! 



P.S. this whole cat obsession thing isn't over, and thankfully Otto decide to cooperate this morning. I told him it was "blog day" :)