How pretty is this?? |
My senior year of high school I had a really cool teacher named Ms. Unruh. I was in her yearbook class, her musical theatre class, her music appreciation class, and oh yes her choir class. She was funny and sassy and a great teacher who taught me a lot. In my music appreciation class we had to play songs on the piano and learn about the history of music and about all of the instruments and stuff like that. Our final project was to play three songs on the piano, I played one song and I played it really really badly. But at the end of the song Ms. Unruh looked at me and said you did a really good job and she clapped. I wasn't deaf, I heard myself play and I know that I played horribly but she still lied. There aren't always going to be people like Ms. Unruh out there to tell me I'm doing a good job even when I'm playing in A Minor when I should be playing in C Major.
My waist trainer |
Losing weight is a lot like playing that song. I'm winging it mostly, I miss a few notes along the way but overall I'm finishing the song and I have a lot of people clapping to keep me moving forward. Exercise is probably the thing that has kept me most sane during midterms, finals, tough projects and college overall. I've lost a little over 20 pounds since starting college and although I look similar to what I did in high school, I feel different.
My friend Lily and I are on a strict diet together because we are both trying to lose weight and be healthy together. Having someone else to do this with helps so much because theres always a little person on my shoulder reminding me to stay below my calorie count and motivating me to not cheat. My diet has made me a lot grumpier but since starting it Lily and I have both lost four pounds with the help of exercise. If we cheat then we have to pay $5 and do 100 extra squats and no
one wants to ever do extra squats.
Awaiting help |
I try to go running at least twice a week, depending on my work schedule because I don't like running after 9 I run on this trail close to my house, it has a great view so sometimes I stop and just look at the ocean. After about a 30 minute run I come home and put on my waist trainer. The waist trainer has helped a lot with shaping my body as I've lost weight. I put it on while I use my spinning bike for another 30 minutes then I do some basic weights, squats, and pushups. At the end of everyday my workouts usually end with me collapsing to the floor and screaming for my mom to help me up.
Otto liked me better when I was more snuggly but he's learning to love me again. I'm passing my classes and doing really well health wise (I'm finally not sick). I am very excited to be on spring break and I promise to have exciting posts about my adventures over the next week. You can read my last post
here and until next time!