Friday, September 26, 2014


The humanities building at 7 am, who
doesn't want to go to school in paradise
High school was a place you were forced to be, college is a place you choose to be. Your success in college in solely based on what you choose to do. Today it’s extremely hard to get a job without a college education. I think that kids aren’t realizing how different college is from high school. 

You’re an equal, here we’re all adults. In high school you’re teacher demanded respect from you and they were always above you. Most professors in college treat you as an equal and will have a conversation with you like you’re an actually human being.

There are no bathroom passes. The most ridiculous thing I went through in high school was my senior year I was forced to use a bathroom pass in the same class where the teacher was lecturing us about being independent and entering the real world. How am I supposed to decide my future when I’m not even allowed to decide when I can use the bathroom? But don’t fret because in college, you go when you have to. Also the toilets here flush automatically so the bathrooms are super clean.

Perfect view of the ocean all the time
The old legend that professors won’t stop a lecture because you have a question is the biggest lie ever created. If you have a question, just raise your hand or state your problem out loud. Their here for you and they want you to pass, they’ll help you if you ask for it.

Your schedule is your choice, you can schedule your classes around your life and if you only want to go to school two days a week in the afternoon, it is possible. I go to school all day Mondays and Wednesdays but next semester I’m going to make it so I leave school around 4 or 5 o’clock simply because I feel like it. 

The most important thing is that you need to remember is that everything you do in college is your choice. College isn't for everyone but you can make college work for you. I hated high school and I wouldn’t ever go back. College has been extraordinary.

This picture was on my graduation announcements, not even kidding. Cats are just my thing. Check out my last blog post here and until next time!



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